Gili Trawangan Will Have a Magnificent Jetty / Gili Trawangan Akan Memiliki Dermaga Megah / Cv Albabianca Abadi

(English/Indonesia) V isits of tourists to the three gilis, especially Trawangan, received special attention from tourism entrepreneurs in Gili Trawangan. The entrepreneurs in Gili Trawangan will build a pier which will be utilized by the Government of North Lombok regency (KLU). This is a purely entrepreneurial initiative, and there are many who want to take this part, from the owners of Ombak Villas, Pandavas, and Aston, all will work together to build a wharf that is estimated to reach billions of rupiah. The location of the dock had been established that is located right in the Lighthouse, west of Gili Trawangan. This is one of them to revive the western region, because all this time there is quite quiet. Not only that, after the dock is built later entrepreneurs will hand over the assets to local governments related to its management. Pemkab Lombok Utara is very ready to accept this opportunity. It is more technically admitted to the future will put personne...