Chase Sunset at Aston Sunset Beach Resort - Gili Trawangan / Mengejar Sunset di Aston Sunset Beach Resort - Gili Trawangan / Cv. Albabianca Abadi
Gili Trawangan successfully captured the hearts of domestic and foreign tourists who want to explore the experience of traveling on a remote island. Actually there are two more dyke that are also equally hunted by tourists namely Gili Air and Gili Meno. However the name Gili Trawangan is more famous and preferably tourists to spend the weekend or long holiday.
In Gili Trawangan, tourists fill their days by swimming, diving, snorkeling or sightseeing around the island. To enjoy the sunset Aston Sunset Beach Resort is a suitable lodging spot, Aston Sunset Beach Resort is just 2 minutes from the beach.
Aston Sunset Beach Resort features air-conditioned rooms, flat-screen TVs, and offers an outdoor pool and restaurant. The resort also provides free Wi-Fi access. Private bathrooms include a shower, hairdryer and complimentary toiletries. Some rooms feature pool and garden views. Additional amenities include satellite TV.
At Aston Sunset Beach Resort we will find a private beach spot. Other amenities offered at this property include luggage storage. Various activities can be done at the hotel or nearby, such as cycling. To captivate domestic and foreign tourists, Aston Sunset Beach Resort offers a romantic dinner inside the villa or on the beach.
This is where tourists can enjoy as much as the seconds of sunset sinking in the western horizon. This is a very eagerly awaited moment tourists. The majesty of Gunung Agung in Bali is illuminated by the afternoon sun is fascinating.
That's the advantage of Aston Sunset Beach Resort. Let the travelers linger on the beach, listening to the waves as they gaze at the horizon staring at the Sun into his bed.
In Gili Trawangan, tourists fill their days by swimming, diving, snorkeling or sightseeing around the island. To enjoy the sunset Aston Sunset Beach Resort is a suitable lodging spot, Aston Sunset Beach Resort is just 2 minutes from the beach.
At Aston Sunset Beach Resort we will find a private beach spot. Other amenities offered at this property include luggage storage. Various activities can be done at the hotel or nearby, such as cycling. To captivate domestic and foreign tourists, Aston Sunset Beach Resort offers a romantic dinner inside the villa or on the beach.
This is where tourists can enjoy as much as the seconds of sunset sinking in the western horizon. This is a very eagerly awaited moment tourists. The majesty of Gunung Agung in Bali is illuminated by the afternoon sun is fascinating.
That's the advantage of Aston Sunset Beach Resort. Let the travelers linger on the beach, listening to the waves as they gaze at the horizon staring at the Sun into his bed.
Thank you for reading our blog today !!! Wait for our next blog ....
You want a holiday to Gili Trawangan Island !!!
This is the guide package we provide:
(Day 1) Arrive in Bali
Airport Transfer → hotel area Kuta overnight
(We will guide you with meals etc by private car)
(Day 2) Departure to Beautiful Island
Departure to Gili at 6:30 WITA aboard
After lunch on Pulau Cantik, we will explain the activities to be performed on this beautiful island.
(Day 3) On Gili Trawangan Island
Doing the activities we've described in the previous day
(Day 4) Gili Trawangan → Bali
Departure to Bali at 13:00 WITA aboard
Around 16.30 WITA arrived in Kuta area.
(Discounts are available depending on the number of participants)
To choose a hotel can be checked directly
Do not hesitate to contact us
Fb → Albabianca Abadi
Instagram → @albabianca_abadi
For Indonesia (business investment / asset management / account opening / immigration, etc) we receive various consultations. Linking Japan and Indonesia, full support from consulting firms.
Cv. Albabianca Abadi
Gili Trawangan sukses merebut hati turis domestik dan mancanegara yang ingin mencari pengalaman berwisata di pulau terpencil. Sebetulnya ada dua gili lagi yang juga sama-sama diburu turis yaitu Gili Air dan Gili Meno. Namun nama Gili Trawangan lebih terkenal dan lebih disukai wisatawan untuk menghabiskan akhir pekan atau libur panjang.
Di Gili Trawangan, wisatawan mengisi hari-harinya dengan berenang, diving, snorkeling atau jalan-jalan keliling pulau. Untuk menikmati sunset Aston Sunset Beach Resort adalah tempat penginapan yang cocok, Aston Sunset Beach Resort ini hanya berjarak 2 menit dari pantai.
Aston Sunset Beach Resort memiliki fasilitas yaitu ruangan ber AC, TV layar datar, serta menawarkan kolam renang outdoor dan restoran. Resor juga menyediakan akses Wi-Fi gratis. Kamar mandi pribadinya meliputi shower, pengering rambut, dan perlengkapan mandi gratis. Beberapa kamar menampilkan pemandangan kolam renang dan taman. Fasilitas tambahannya mencakup TV satelit.
Di Aston Sunset Beach Resort kita akan menemukan tempat pantai pribadi. Fasilitas lain yang ditawarkan di akomodasi ini meliputi penitipan bagasi. Beragam kegiatan dapat dilakukan di hotel atau di sekitarnya, misalnya bersepeda. Untuk memikat wisatawan dalam dan luar negeri, Aston Sunset Beach Resort menawarkan romantic dinner di dalam vila atau di pantai.
Di sinilah wisatawan bisa menikmati sepuas-puasnya detik-detik matahari tenggelam di ufuk barat. Ini merupakan momen yang sangat ditunggu-tunggu wisatawan. Megahnya Gunung Agung di Bali disinari mentari sore hari sungguh memesona.
Itulah kelebihan yang dimiliki Aston Sunset Beach Resort. Silakan wisatawan berlama-lama rileks di tepi pantai, mendengarkan deburan ombak sembari menatap cakrawala menatap Sang Surya memasuki peraduannya.
Itulah kelebihan yang dimiliki Aston Sunset Beach Resort. Silakan wisatawan berlama-lama rileks di tepi pantai, mendengarkan deburan ombak sembari menatap cakrawala menatap Sang Surya memasuki peraduannya.
Terima kasih sudah membaca blog kami hari ini !!! Tunggu blog kami selanjutnya ya….
Anda ingin liburan ke Pulau Gili Trawangan !!!
Ini adalah paket panduan yang kami sediakan:
(Hari 1) Tiba di Bali
Transfer bandara → hotel area Kuta selama semalam
(Kami akan membimbing Anda dengan makanan dll dengan mobil pribadi)
(Hari 2) Berangkat ke Pulau Cantik
Berangkat ke Gili Jam 6:30 WITA naik kapal
Setelah makan siang di Pulau Cantik, kami akan menjelaskan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan di pulau cantik ini.
(Hari 3) Di Pulau Gili Trawangan
Melakukan kegiatan yang sudah kami jelaskan di hari sebelumnya
(Hari 4) Gili Trawangan → Bali
Berangkat ke Bali jam 13:00 WITA naik kapal
Sekitar jam 16.30 WITA tiba di daerah Kuta.
(Diskon tersedia tergantung jumlah peserta)
Untuk memilih hotel bisa dicek langsung
Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami
Fb → Albabianca Abadi
Instagram → @albabianca_abadi
Untuk Indonesia (investasi bisnis / aset managemen / pembukaan rekening / imigrasi, dll) kami menerima berbagai konsultasi. Menghubungkan Jepang dan Indonesia, dukungan penuh dari perusahaan konsultan.
Cv. Albabianca Abadi
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