Gili Trawangan Meaning Fitted with CCTV / Maksud Gili Trawangan Dipasangi CCTV / Cv. Albabianca Abadi
Security in Gili Trawangan was loose, but there was a warning after the inauguration of pamswakarsa combined with the Tourism Police and the local Sub-Subsector. A number of breakthroughs are now being built again to secure the extravagant island from the threat of criminal acts.
Such a breakthrough, with the installation of CCTV at some point. The apparatus cooperates with Gili Trawangan Employers' Association (APGT). Currently there are already some locations that have been installed CCTV camera. One of them is near the harbor. According to owner Sama-sama Raggae Bar, the number of cameras in the port about 4 to 5 units. Self-monitoring, mobile-based applications.
Meanwhile, Pama Dit Pam Obvit Polda NTB, Ipda Henni Andriani fully supports the move. It said it would back up security in Gili Trawangan specifically, and Lombok Utara in general. Given that the area is a tourist area level criminals are also considered the same.
Crime in Gili is considered, because it is concerned that the impact caused by crime let alone befall one of the tourists. Imagine, even though foreign nationals tend to be silent, but they instead spill those experienced through social media.
Former Treasurer of NTB Police Public Relations added that security posts have also been established to support the creation of security and comfort for foreign tourists. The lights that are in the dark dot will be turned on again in order to prevent things that are not in want.
If monitoring CCTV through Applications on HP is certainly very easy, there will also install lights in the dark location. For example the alleys are often in the passage of citizens or foreign tourists. Today our officers have been patrolling at least two people per few hours in turn.
For Indonesia (Business Investment / Asset Management / Account Opening / Immigration Support, etc) we receive various consultations. Linking Japan and Indonesia, full support from consulting firms.
Security in Gili Trawangan was loose, but there was a warning after the inauguration of pamswakarsa combined with the Tourism Police and the local Sub-Subsector. A number of breakthroughs are now being built again to secure the extravagant island from the threat of criminal acts.
Such a breakthrough, with the installation of CCTV at some point. The apparatus cooperates with Gili Trawangan Employers' Association (APGT). Currently there are already some locations that have been installed CCTV camera. One of them is near the harbor. According to owner Sama-sama Raggae Bar, the number of cameras in the port about 4 to 5 units. Self-monitoring, mobile-based applications.
Meanwhile, Pama Dit Pam Obvit Polda NTB, Ipda Henni Andriani fully supports the move. It said it would back up security in Gili Trawangan specifically, and Lombok Utara in general. Given that the area is a tourist area level criminals are also considered the same.
Crime in Gili is considered, because it is concerned that the impact caused by crime let alone befall one of the tourists. Imagine, even though foreign nationals tend to be silent, but they instead spill those experienced through social media.
Former Treasurer of NTB Police Public Relations added that security posts have also been established to support the creation of security and comfort for foreign tourists. The lights that are in the dark dot will be turned on again in order to prevent things that are not in want.
If monitoring CCTV through Applications on HP is certainly very easy, there will also install lights in the dark location. For example the alleys are often in the passage of citizens or foreign tourists. Today our officers have been patrolling at least two people per few hours in turn.
For Indonesia (Business Investment / Asset Management / Account Opening / Immigration Support, etc) we receive various consultations. Linking Japan and Indonesia, full support from consulting firms.
Cv. Albabianca Abadi
Pengamanan di Gili Trawangan sempat longgar, namun mulai ada peringatan setelah dikukuhkannya pamswakarsa yang dipadukan dengan Polisi Pariwisata dan Pospol Subsektor setempat. Sejumlah terobosan saat ini mulai dibangun lagi untuk mengamankan pulau ekstotik tersebut dari ancaman tindak kriminal.
Pengamanan di Gili Trawangan sempat longgar, namun mulai ada peringatan setelah dikukuhkannya pamswakarsa yang dipadukan dengan Polisi Pariwisata dan Pospol Subsektor setempat. Sejumlah terobosan saat ini mulai dibangun lagi untuk mengamankan pulau ekstotik tersebut dari ancaman tindak kriminal.
Sementara itu, Pama Dit Pam Obvit Polda NTB, Ipda Henni Andriani mendukung penuh langkah tersebut. Pihaknya menjelaskan akan mem – back up keamanan di Gili Trawangan secara khusus, dan Lombok Utara pada umumnya. Mengingat daerah itu merupakan kawasan wisata yang tingkat pelaku kriminalitasnya pun dianggap sama.
Kriminalitas di Gili diperhatikan, sebab pihaknya khawatir dampak yang ditimbulkan akibat kejahatan apalagi menimpa salah seorang wisatawan. Betapa tidak, meskipun warga negara asing cenderung diam, namun mereka justru menumpahkan yang dialami melalui media sosial.
Mantan Bendahara Humas Polda NTB ini menambahkan, pos-pos keamanan juga telah dibentuk guna mendukung terciptanya keamanan dan kenyamanan bagi wisman. Lampu-lampu yang berada di titik gelap akan kembali dihidupkan guna mencegah hal yang tak di inginkan.
For Indonesia (Business Investment / Asset Management / Account Opening / Immigration Support, etc) we receive various consultations. Linking Japan and Indonesia, full support from consulting firms.
Cv. Albabianca Abadi
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