The controlling of Gili Meno and Gili Air Building will be postponed / Penertiban Bangunan Gili Meno dan Gili Air Akan Ditunda / Cv Albabianca Abadi
Gili Island in Lombok is an island that successfully captured the hearts of domestic and foreign tourists who want to explore the experience of traveling on a remote island. There are three gilis namely Gili Meno, Gili Air and Gili Trawanagan. However the name Gili Trawangan is more famous and preferably tourists to spend the weekend or long holiday.
Last month there was an unlawful building demolition plan along Gili Meno Beach and Gili Air, due to be conducted mid-March. But this plan will be postponed, possibly postponed, the fourth week or early next month.
The delay is not without reason, because the stages carried out by the control team so far have not been completed. For example, the second socialization and the issuance of a letter of warning to entrepreneurs who are identified as violating the rules have not been implemented.
Not only that, Gardu PLN located on the edge of Gili Meno Beach became the attention of the control team. Where the substation position including buildings that violate the rules. It has been coordinating with PLN recently.
Furthermore, in the near future there will be a re-meeting which involves all the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD), related to the absence of parties and the impression that the curbing as if selective select.
The delay is actually an advantage for entrepreneurs. It means they get a chance (longer), disassemble the building and save the goods that can be reused. Because the low season is still ongoing and certainly will not affect the condition of local tourism.
Known cost will be spent in the dismantling of approximately Rp 600 million. Later pemkab have "ngamen" to the center and get a budget worth Rp 400 million more. The central government has approved about Rp 420 million.
Last month there was an unlawful building demolition plan along Gili Meno Beach and Gili Air, due to be conducted mid-March. But this plan will be postponed, possibly postponed, the fourth week or early next month.
The delay is not without reason, because the stages carried out by the control team so far have not been completed. For example, the second socialization and the issuance of a letter of warning to entrepreneurs who are identified as violating the rules have not been implemented.
Not only that, Gardu PLN located on the edge of Gili Meno Beach became the attention of the control team. Where the substation position including buildings that violate the rules. It has been coordinating with PLN recently.
Furthermore, in the near future there will be a re-meeting which involves all the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD), related to the absence of parties and the impression that the curbing as if selective select.
The delay is actually an advantage for entrepreneurs. It means they get a chance (longer), disassemble the building and save the goods that can be reused. Because the low season is still ongoing and certainly will not affect the condition of local tourism.
Known cost will be spent in the dismantling of approximately Rp 600 million. Later pemkab have "ngamen" to the center and get a budget worth Rp 400 million more. The central government has approved about Rp 420 million.
Thank you for reading our blog today !!! Wait for our next blog ....
You want a holiday to Gili Trawangan Island !!!
This is the guide package we provide:
(Day 1) Arrive in Bali
Airport Transfer → hotel area Kuta overnight
(We will guide you with meals etc by private car)
(Day 2) Departure to Beautiful Island
Departure to Gili at 6:30 WITA aboard
After lunch on Pulau Cantik, we will explain the activities to be performed on this beautiful island.
(Day 3) On Gili Trawangan Island
Doing the activities we've described in the previous day
(Day 4) Gili Trawangan → Bali
Departure to Bali at 13:00 WITA aboard
Around 16.30 WITA arrived in Kuta area.
(Discounts are available depending on the number of participants)
To choose a hotel can be checked directly
Do not hesitate to contact us
Fb → Albabianca Abadi
Instagram → @albabianca_abadi
For Indonesia (business investment / asset management / account opening / immigration, etc) we receive various consultations. Linking Japan and Indonesia, full support from consulting firms.
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Cv. Albabianca Abadi
Pulau Gili di Lombok adalah pulau yang sukses merebut hati turis domestik dan mancanegara yang ingin mencari pengalaman berwisata di pulau terpencil. Ada tiga gili yaitu Gili Meno, Gili Air dan Gili Trawanagan. Namun nama Gili Trawangan lebih terkenal dan lebih disukai wisatawan untuk menghabiskan akhir pekan atau libur panjang.
Bulan lalu ada rencana pembongkaran bangunan yang melanggar aturan di sepanjang Pantai Gili Meno dan Gili Air, yang akan dilakukan pertengahan bulan Maret. Namun rencana ini akan ditunda, kemungkinan diundur, minggu keempat atau awal bulan depan.
Penundaan itu bukan tanpa alasan, pasalnya tahapan yang dilaksanakan tim penertiban sejauh ini masih belum tuntas. Misalnya sosialisasi kedua dan penerbitan surat teguran kepada pengusaha yang diidentifikasi melanggar aturan juga belum terlaksana.
Tidak hanya itu, Gardu PLN yang berada di pinggir Pantai Gili Meno pun menjadi atensi tim penertiban. Dimana posisi gardu termasuk bangunan yang melanggar aturan. Pihaknya sudah berkoordinasi dengan PLN belum lama ini.
Selanjutnya dalam waktu dekat akan digelar pertemuan kembali yang melibatkan seluruh Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD), terkait agar tidak ada pihak maupun kesan bahwa penertiban seolah tebang pilih.
Selanjutnya dalam waktu dekat akan digelar pertemuan kembali yang melibatkan seluruh Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD), terkait agar tidak ada pihak maupun kesan bahwa penertiban seolah tebang pilih.
Penundaan tersebut justru menjadi keuntungan bagi para pengusaha. Artinya mereka mendapat kesempatan (lebih lama), membongkar sendiri bangunan dan menyelamatkan barang yang dapat dimanfaatkan kembali. Karena low season masih berlangsung dan dipastikan tidak akan mempengaruhi kondisi pariwisata setempat.
Diketahui biaya yang akan dihabiskan dalam pembongkaran kurang lebih Rp 600 juta. Belakangan pemkab sudah “ngamen” ke pusat dan mendapatkan anggaran senilai Rp 400 juta lebih. Pemerintah pusat sudah menyetujui sekitar Rp 420 juta.
Terima kasih sudah membaca blog kami hari ini !!! Tunggu blog kami selanjutnya ya….
Anda ingin liburan ke Pulau Gili Trawangan !!!
Ini adalah paket panduan yang kami sediakan:
(Hari 1) Tiba di Bali
Transfer bandara → hotel area Kuta selama semalam
(Kami akan membimbing Anda dengan makanan dll dengan mobil pribadi)
(Hari 2) Berangkat ke Pulau Cantik
Berangkat ke Gili Jam 6:30 WITA naik kapal
Setelah makan siang di Pulau Cantik, kami akan menjelaskan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan di pulau cantik ini.
(Hari 3) Di Pulau Gili Trawangan
Melakukan kegiatan yang sudah kami jelaskan di hari sebelumnya
(Hari 4) Gili Trawangan → Bali
Berangkat ke Bali jam 13:00 WITA naik kapal
Sekitar jam 16.30 WITA tiba di daerah Kuta.
(Diskon tersedia tergantung jumlah peserta)
Untuk memilih hotel bisa dicek langsung
Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami
Fb → Albabianca Abadi
Instagram → @albabianca_abadi
Untuk Indonesia (investasi bisnis / aset managemen / pembukaan rekening / imigrasi, dll) kami menerima berbagai konsultasi. Menghubungkan Jepang dan Indonesia, dukungan penuh dari perusahaan konsultan.
Cv. Albabianca Abadi
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