Prone to fire hotels in Gili Matra / Rawan Kebakaran Hotel di Gili Matra / Cv. Albabianca Abadi
Gili Matra (Gili Air, Gili Meno and Gili Trawangan) is a famous tourist place to foreign countries. But in a crowded place visited by tourists there is still no fire station. Learned from the fire that occurred at The Oberoi Hotel located in the Village District Medan Tanjung some time ago, which can not be extinguished quickly.
Thus, the local government of North Lombok should anticipate fire vulnerability in Gili Matra hotels namely Gili Air, Gili Meno and Gili Trawangan. The location at Gili Matra hotel will quickly spread due to its flammable building structure. Meanwhile, on the other hand, fire trucks can not slide into the tourist attraction to the three dyke.
For the government itself is still discussing the issue of holding fire trucks. Damkar's party has always been doing preventive approaches by monitoring, evaluating and socializing about hydrant and villagers capable of prevention. Because it admits it can not quickly slide, because it is very difficult and can not fly.
Thus, the local government of North Lombok should anticipate fire vulnerability in Gili Matra hotels namely Gili Air, Gili Meno and Gili Trawangan. The location at Gili Matra hotel will quickly spread due to its flammable building structure. Meanwhile, on the other hand, fire trucks can not slide into the tourist attraction to the three dyke.
For the government itself is still discussing the issue of holding fire trucks. Damkar's party has always been doing preventive approaches by monitoring, evaluating and socializing about hydrant and villagers capable of prevention. Because it admits it can not quickly slide, because it is very difficult and can not fly.
For the future if already a joint office in Gili Trawangan can just settle and place officers. It was only monitored because it can not carry a motorized vehicle. So for the early anticipation of how to see the existence of the hotel personnel concerned it has the quality to use the hydran itself.
So far, there has been a fire but small scale, and business players are still calm because they have not felt a big fire. Although there has been no demand from entrepreneurs, but for this fire extinguisher must exist. Based on the records, besr hotels already have a complete set of fire suppression devices.
But for small-scale hotels on average still do not have fire suppression devices. In the gili cause of fire most vulnerable from electrical installation then flammable building structure. For Damkar's budget is only limited to infrastructure development, for the procurement of fire equipment still does not exist.
So far, there has been a fire but small scale, and business players are still calm because they have not felt a big fire. Although there has been no demand from entrepreneurs, but for this fire extinguisher must exist. Based on the records, besr hotels already have a complete set of fire suppression devices.
But for small-scale hotels on average still do not have fire suppression devices. In the gili cause of fire most vulnerable from electrical installation then flammable building structure. For Damkar's budget is only limited to infrastructure development, for the procurement of fire equipment still does not exist.
For Indonesia (business investment / asset management / account opening / immigration, etc) we receive various consultations. Linking Japan and Indonesia, full support from consulting firms.
Cv. Albabianca Abadi
Gili Matra (Gili air, Gili Meno dan Gili Trawangan) adalah tempat wisata yang terkenal hingga manca negara. Namun di tempat yang ramai dikunjungi para wisatawan masih belum ada Pos Pemadam Kebakaran. Belajar dari kebakaran yang terjadi di Hotel The Oberoi yang berlokasi di Desa Medan Kecamatan Tanjung beberapa waktu lalu, yang tidak bisa dipadamkan dengan cepat.
Maka, pemerintah Daerah Lombok Utara harus mengantisipasi kerawanan kebakaran di hotel-hotel Gili Matra yaitu Gili Air, Gili Meno dan Gili Trawangan. Lokasi di hotel Gili Matra akan cepat merambat karena struktur bangunannya yang mudah terbakar. Sementara itu di sisi lain, mobil pemadam kebakaran tidak bisa meluncur ke obyek wisata ke tiga gili tersebut.
Untuk pemerintah sendiri masih mendiskusikan masalah diadakannya mobil pemadam kebakaran. Pihak Damkar sendiri dari dulu masih melakukan pendekatan-pendekatan pencegahan dengan cara monitoring, evaluasi dan sosialisasi tentang hydrant dan orang-orang desa mampu melakukan pencegahan. Karena memang pihaknya mengakui tidak bisa cepat meluncur, karena sangat sulit dan tidak bisa terbang.
Untuk kedepannya jika udah jadi kantor bersama di Gili Trawangan baru bisa menetap dan menempatkan petugas. Itupun hanya memonitoring karena tidak boleh membawa kendaraan bermesin. Jadi untuk antisipasi dini bagaimana cara melihat keberadaan personil hotel-hotel yang bersangkutan itu mempunyai kualitas untuk menggunakan hydran itu sendiri.
Selama ini memang pernah terjadi kebakaran tapi skala kecil, dan pelaku usaha masih tenang karena belum merasakan kebakaran yang besar. Meskipun belum ada permintaan dari para pengusaha, namun untuk pemadam kebakaran ini harus ada. Berdasarkan catatan, hotel-hotel besr sudah mempunyai kelengkapan alat-alat pencegah kebakaran.
Namun untuk hotel-hotel yang berskala kecil rata-rata masih belum punya alat-alat pencegah kebakaran. Di gili penyebab kebakaran paling rawan dari instalasi listrik kemudian struktur bangunan yang mudah terbakar. untuk anggaran yang dimiliki Damkar baru sebatas pembangunan infrastruktur, untuk pengadaan alat-alat kebakaran masih belum ada.
Selama ini memang pernah terjadi kebakaran tapi skala kecil, dan pelaku usaha masih tenang karena belum merasakan kebakaran yang besar. Meskipun belum ada permintaan dari para pengusaha, namun untuk pemadam kebakaran ini harus ada. Berdasarkan catatan, hotel-hotel besr sudah mempunyai kelengkapan alat-alat pencegah kebakaran.
Namun untuk hotel-hotel yang berskala kecil rata-rata masih belum punya alat-alat pencegah kebakaran. Di gili penyebab kebakaran paling rawan dari instalasi listrik kemudian struktur bangunan yang mudah terbakar. untuk anggaran yang dimiliki Damkar baru sebatas pembangunan infrastruktur, untuk pengadaan alat-alat kebakaran masih belum ada.
Untuk Indonesia (investasi bisnis / aset managemen / pembukaan rekening / imigrasi, dll) kami menerima berbagai konsultasi. Menghubungkan Jepang dan Indonesia, dukungan penuh dari perusahaan konsultan.
Cv. Albabianca Abadi
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