Amazed by Gili Trawangan, Bandung Mayor Invites Employers to Invest / Kagum dengan Gili Trawangan, Wali Kota Bandung Ajak Pengusaha Berinvestasi / Cv. Albabianca Abadi
Mayor of Bandung, Mochammad Ridwan Kamil continued his series of visits in NTB. Having packed a serious roadshow to the government, campus and boarding school, he does not seem to want to miss the other side of Lombok's exoticism. Sunday (15/7) morning Kang Emil greeting Ridwan Kamil, across to the crowded island of foreign tourists, Gili Trawangan, located in Gili Indah Village, District Winner, District of North Lombok (KLU).
In his instagram account @ enwankamil, this young mayor posted a short duration video in one corner of the Gili Trawangan scene. In the stand up video, seen three empty seats at the edge of the dirt road, passing foreign tourists and domestic tourists, both walking and gowes. Occasionally passing Cidomo traditional transport. The video's backdrop, white sand and navy blue around the dyke.
In his instagram account @ enwankamil, this young mayor posted a short duration video in one corner of the Gili Trawangan scene. In the stand up video, seen three empty seats at the edge of the dirt road, passing foreign tourists and domestic tourists, both walking and gowes. Occasionally passing Cidomo traditional transport. The video's backdrop, white sand and navy blue around the dyke.
The last observed video was 234,384 times In the caption he wrote, his presence in Gili Trawangan not just travel, he brought Bandung entrepreneurs to investment in tourism, after previously sharing smart city grants to the City of Bima and Mataram City. He praised the dimensions seen there, a sight of the modernity of a tourist attraction.
The post invites 850 comments, many of which give a positive response and there is also complete information about his experience enjoying the fresh air in the dyke.
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Walikota Bandung, Mochammad Ridwan Kamil melanjutkan rangkaian kunjungannya di NTB. Setelah dipadati roadshow serius ke pemerintahan, kampus dan pondok pesantren, dia sepertinya tak ingin melewatkan sisi lain tentang eksotisme Lombok. Minggu (15/7) pagi Kang Emil sapaan Ridwan Kamil, menyebrang ke pulau padat wisatawan asing, Gili Trawangan, yang berada di Desa Gili Indah, Kecamatan Pemenang, Kabupaten Lombok Utara (KLU).
Di akun instagramnya @ridwankamil, Walikota muda ini memposting video berdurasi pendek di salah satu sudut pemandangan Gili Trawangan. Dalam video stand up itu, terlihat tiga kursi kosong di pinggir jalan tanah, lalu lalang wisatawan asing dan wisatawan domestik, baik yang jalan kaki maupun gowes. Sesekali melintas angkutan tradisional Cidomo. Background video itu, pasir putih dan biru laut sekitar gili.
Di akun instagramnya @ridwankamil, Walikota muda ini memposting video berdurasi pendek di salah satu sudut pemandangan Gili Trawangan. Dalam video stand up itu, terlihat tiga kursi kosong di pinggir jalan tanah, lalu lalang wisatawan asing dan wisatawan domestik, baik yang jalan kaki maupun gowes. Sesekali melintas angkutan tradisional Cidomo. Background video itu, pasir putih dan biru laut sekitar gili.
Postingannya itu mengundang 850 komentar, banyak yang memberi tanggapan positif dan ada juga yang melengkapi informasi tentang pengalamannya menikmati udara segar di gili tersebut.
Untuk Indonesia (investasi bisnis / aset managemen / pembukaan rekening / imigrasi, dll) kami menerima berbagai konsultasi. Menghubungkan Jepang dan Indonesia, dukungan penuh dari perusahaan konsultan.
Cv. Albabianca Abadi
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