Street Traders become a New Problem in Gili Trawangan / Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL) jadi Masalah Baru di Gili Trawangan / Cv. Albabianca Abadi

(English/Indonesia) G ili Trawangan as a source of revenue area of North Lombok regency government (KLU) is still not well laid out. Not finished about the post-control of buildings and garbage, street vendors who sell on the streets is now a new homework. Gili Indah Village Chief, H. Taufik said traders were selling at will to flood the street. This is considered disturbing and impressed chaotic so as to cause image of less good tourism. If arranged and limited it is somewhat impossible because Gili Trawangan seems to be a livelihood magnet of all citizens in Lombok. Especially the road that has been narrow plus the traders who stand by there just make the tourists passing by distracted. It should be from the government who must act not all of the village. Meanwhile, Secretary Diskoperindag KLU Dende Dewi said the street vendors in Gili Trawangan there is a discourse to be styled. But if now willing to be arranged but the land is not there. They will certainly choose...