Leave Grief for Tourists Due to the Control of Gili Trawangan Beach Border / Sisakan Duka Parawisata Akibat Penertiban Sempadan Pantai Gili Trawangan / Cv. Albabinca Abadi

(English/Indonesia) T his August should be a blessing abundant for the world of tourism in Gili Trawangan. Because the month of August including high season with marked the arrival of thousands of foreign tourists (tourists). This should be a great advantage especially for entrepreneurs. But on the contrary, amid the increasingly wild business competition on the island of the world a number of entrepreneurs even out of business. This is not because of the impact of controlling the coastal border in Gili Trawangan recently leaving a loss. This happens because the entire building is dismantled without accompanied by improvement efforts and cause a sense of disappointment entrepreneurs. If now visit to Trawangan, the impression of slum, dirty, crowded can be seen at some point. C urrently Gili Trawangan beach border is not more beautiful, but it is just as chaotic as the debris that is still scattered. Moreover, the rules are not yet clear because of whether or not entrepre...