Due to Bad Weather, Bali - Gili Trawangan Crossing is Temporarily Closed / Akibat Cuaca Buruk, Penyebrangan Bali - Gili Trawangan Ditutup Sementara / Cv. Albabianca Abadi
Not willing to take risks due to high waves, bad weather and strong winds in the Lombok Strait recent days. This greatly affects the Bali-Lombok crossing. Special fastboat from Bali to Gili Trawangan and other gili are temporarily closed to normal weather.
This closure is only for fast boats, while the ferry can still run as usual. Because for vessels that have large GRT is still safe with these weather conditions. Weather is difficult to predict. So when the situation as it is today it can not do much. Sea transport tourists were also asked to stop operating temporarily.
The wave height in the Lombok strait itself reaches 2 meters, so the ferry crossing is quite solid. Queues are also quite crowded but still able to accommodate in the port area. In addition the waves also disrupt the crossing at the Padangbai dock, consequently Pier II Padangbai was disturbed although it can still be used. As for service crossing from and to three gili (Matra) still operate.
However, his side keep watch and appealed to the ship owners to be vigilant. Especially now it looks high season him. Just a little ferry that would dock at Pier II for fear of risk. Some foreign tourists who will cross to Gili Trawangan Lombok forced to switch using a ferry.
This closure is only for fast boats, while the ferry can still run as usual. Because for vessels that have large GRT is still safe with these weather conditions. Weather is difficult to predict. So when the situation as it is today it can not do much. Sea transport tourists were also asked to stop operating temporarily.
The wave height in the Lombok strait itself reaches 2 meters, so the ferry crossing is quite solid. Queues are also quite crowded but still able to accommodate in the port area. In addition the waves also disrupt the crossing at the Padangbai dock, consequently Pier II Padangbai was disturbed although it can still be used. As for service crossing from and to three gili (Matra) still operate.
For Indonesia (Business Investment / Asset Management / Account Opening / Immigration Support, etc) we receive various consultations. Linking Japan and Indonesia, full support from consulting firms.
[Cv. Albabianca Abadi
Tidak mau mengambil resiko karena gelombang tinggi, cuaca buruk dan angin kencang di selat Lombok beberapa hari terakhir. Hal ini sangat mempengaruhi penyeberangan Bali-Lombok. Khusus fastboat dari Bali ke Gili Trawangan dan gili lainnya ditutup sementara sampai cuaca normal.
Penutupan ini hanya untuk kapal cepat, sementara untuk kapal ferry masih bisa berjalan seperti biasa. Karena untuk kapal yang memiliki GRT besar masih aman dengan kondisi cuaca tersebut. Cuaca sukar diprediksi. Sehingga ketika situasi seperti saat ini pihaknya tidak bisa berbuat banyak. Angkutan laut wisatawan itu pun diminta berhenti beroperasi sementara.
Penutupan ini hanya untuk kapal cepat, sementara untuk kapal ferry masih bisa berjalan seperti biasa. Karena untuk kapal yang memiliki GRT besar masih aman dengan kondisi cuaca tersebut. Cuaca sukar diprediksi. Sehingga ketika situasi seperti saat ini pihaknya tidak bisa berbuat banyak. Angkutan laut wisatawan itu pun diminta berhenti beroperasi sementara.
Tinggi gelombang di selat Lombok sendiri mencapai 2 meter, sehingga penyebrangan kapal ferry cukup padat. Antrian juga cukup berdesakan namun masih mampu ditampung di areal pelabuhan. Selain itu ombak juga mengganggu penyebrangan di dermaga Padangbai, akibatnya Dermaga II Padangbai pun terganggu meskipun masih bisa digunakan. Sementara untuk pelayanan penyebrangan dari dan menuju tiga gili (Matra) masih beroperasi.
Untuk Indonesia (investasi bisnis / aset managemen / pembukaan rekening / imigrasi, dll) kami menerima berbagaii konsultasi. Menghubungkan Jepang dan Indonesia, dukungan penuh dari perusahaan konsultan.
Cv. Albabianca Abadi
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