The arrangement of Gili Trawangan will be assisted by the Center / Penataan Gili Trawangan Akan Dibantu Pusat / Cv. Albabianca

(English/Indonesia) L ocal Government (Pemda) North Lombok will get help from Central Government (Pempus) to overcome the problem of garbage in Gili Trawangan tourism and public area arrangement. Forms of assistance to be provided from the provision of waste collection machines to budget allocation. The central government will get the help of one excavator from the center to overcome the waste in Trawangan. In addition, from the Ministry of Public Works will prepare a budget to assist the completion of garbage facilities on the condition that the local government has acquired land as a construction site. It has also contacted one of the land owners in Trawangan. The land plan will be purchased by the local government, because the Ministry of Public Works will provide a substantial budget. The area of land to be acquired is 50 acres in the leased area. It is still negotiating with the entrepreneur. As a result, the entrepreneurs are very supportive and ready t...