The arrangement of Gili Trawangan will be assisted by the Center / Penataan Gili Trawangan Akan Dibantu Pusat / Cv. Albabianca
Local Government (Pemda) North Lombok will get help from Central Government (Pempus) to overcome the problem of garbage in Gili Trawangan tourism and public area arrangement. Forms of assistance to be provided from the provision of waste collection machines to budget allocation.
The central government will get the help of one excavator from the center to overcome the waste in Trawangan. In addition, from the Ministry of Public Works will prepare a budget to assist the completion of garbage facilities on the condition that the local government has acquired land as a construction site. It has also contacted one of the land owners in Trawangan.
The land plan will be purchased by the local government, because the Ministry of Public Works will provide a substantial budget. The area of land to be acquired is 50 acres in the leased area. It is still negotiating with the entrepreneur.
As a result, the entrepreneurs are very supportive and ready to provide a price slant of apraesel prices that will be done Pemda later. Not only that, there will also donate two sand dredging machines on the beach. This tool will come after the heavy equipment has finished cleaning the debris. New next will enter the beach cleaning tool.
Sempandan beach is cleaned it, it will tighten with the regulation of coastal utilization. Admittedly, it is not too strictly applied due to the process of structuring. If the beach cleaner already comes it will soon enforce the regulation, among others, the beach is a public right but it does not mean it does not provide opportunities for tourism entrepreneurs to take advantage of the coast, it just needs to be timed and must contribute to the region as a form of public property rather than personal.
For the time will be set at 17.00 Wita upwards, special withdrawal contribution can be done by counting per table or other, it will be decided in regulation. Because so far, no matter how many guests who come Pemda never can. Therefore it is planned for the contribution calculated on each table.
For Indonesia (Business Investment / Asset Management / Account Opening / Immigration Support, etc) we receive various consultations. Linking Japan and Indonesia, full support from consulting firms.
Cv. Albabianca AbadiLocal Government (Pemda) North Lombok will get help from Central Government (Pempus) to overcome the problem of garbage in Gili Trawangan tourism and public area arrangement. Forms of assistance to be provided from the provision of waste collection machines to budget allocation.
The central government will get the help of one excavator from the center to overcome the waste in Trawangan. In addition, from the Ministry of Public Works will prepare a budget to assist the completion of garbage facilities on the condition that the local government has acquired land as a construction site. It has also contacted one of the land owners in Trawangan.
The land plan will be purchased by the local government, because the Ministry of Public Works will provide a substantial budget. The area of land to be acquired is 50 acres in the leased area. It is still negotiating with the entrepreneur.
As a result, the entrepreneurs are very supportive and ready to provide a price slant of apraesel prices that will be done Pemda later. Not only that, there will also donate two sand dredging machines on the beach. This tool will come after the heavy equipment has finished cleaning the debris. New next will enter the beach cleaning tool.
Sempandan beach is cleaned it, it will tighten with the regulation of coastal utilization. Admittedly, it is not too strictly applied due to the process of structuring. If the beach cleaner already comes it will soon enforce the regulation, among others, the beach is a public right but it does not mean it does not provide opportunities for tourism entrepreneurs to take advantage of the coast, it just needs to be timed and must contribute to the region as a form of public property rather than personal.
For the time will be set at 17.00 Wita upwards, special withdrawal contribution can be done by counting per table or other, it will be decided in regulation. Because so far, no matter how many guests who come Pemda never can. Therefore it is planned for the contribution calculated on each table.
For Indonesia (Business Investment / Asset Management / Account Opening / Immigration Support, etc) we receive various consultations. Linking Japan and Indonesia, full support from consulting firms.
Pemerintah Daerah (Pemda) Lombok Utara akan mendapatkan bantuan dari Pemerintah Pusat (Pempus) untuk mengatasi persoalan sampah di obyek wisata Gili Trawangan dan penataan kawasan publik. Bentuk bantuan yang akan diberikan mulai pemberian mesin pengumpul sampah hingga pengalokasian anggaran.
Rencananya Pemerintah Pusat akan mendapatkan bantuan satu excavator (mesin pengangkut sampah) dari pusat untuk mengatasi persampahan di Trawangan. Selain itu, dari Kementrian Pekerjaan Umum akan menyiapkan anggaran untuk membantu fasilitas penyelesaian persampahan dengan syarat Pemda sudah membebaskan lahan sebagai lokasi pembangunan. Pihaknya juga sudah menghubungi salah satu pemilik tanah di Trawangan.
Rencana lahan itu akan dibeli oleh Pemda, karena Kementrian Pekerjaan Umum akan memberikan anggaran cukup besar. Luas lahan yang akan dibebaskan seluas 50 are ditempat yang disewa tersebut. Pihaknya masih melakukan negoisasi kepada pengusaha tersebut.
Rencana lahan itu akan dibeli oleh Pemda, karena Kementrian Pekerjaan Umum akan memberikan anggaran cukup besar. Luas lahan yang akan dibebaskan seluas 50 are ditempat yang disewa tersebut. Pihaknya masih melakukan negoisasi kepada pengusaha tersebut.
Sempandan pantai yang dibersih itu, pihaknya akan memperketat dengan regulasi tentang pemanfataan pantai. Diakui, saat ini belum terlalu ketat diterapkan karena proses penataan. Jika sudah datang pembersih pantai maka akan segera menegakan regulasi tersebut, antara lain pantai itu hak public namun bukan berarti tidak memberikan peluang bagi pengusaha wisata untuk memanfaatkan pesisir tersebut, hanya saja perlu diatur waktunya dan harus memberikan kontribusi ke daerah sebagai wujud milik publik bukan pribadi.
Untuk waktunya akan diatur pukul 17.00 Wita ke atas, khusus penarikan kontribusi bisa saja dilakukan dengan cara menghitung per meja atau lainnya, hal ini akan diputuskan didalam regulasi. Karena selama ini, berapapun banyak tamu yang datang Pemda tidak pernah dapat. Maka dari itu direncanakan untuk adanya kontribusi yang dihitung permeja.
Untuk Indonesia (investasi bisnis / aset managemen / pembukaan rekening / imigrasi, dll) kami menerima berbagai konsultasi. Menghubungkan Jepang dan Indonesia, dukungan penuh dari perusahaan konsultan.
Cv. Albabianca Abadi
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