PT. BAL Requested Complete License / PT. BAL Diminta Lengkapi Surat Izin / Cv. Albabianca Abadi
PT. Berkat Laut Laut (BAL) is the only company engaged in water supply sector that entered Gili Trawangan several years ago, it has not completed its operational permit. Moreover, this company is currently drilling sea water, whereas this company in the first permit application is to process (distillate) sea water to be clean.
So that makes the community and local government feel harmed. For that Vice Regent of North Lombok asked the management of PT. BAL immediately completed the necessary permits to be able to operate legally in Gili Trawangan and there were no problems later on. Clean water in Gili Trawangan tourist area is a vital need for people, businessmen and tourists. So the company may soon have to take care of the permit, because permission is a thing that must be owned by every company.
PT. BAL in permission application is to process (distillate) sea water to be clean, but the reality is currently PT. BAL actually even drill in Gili Trawangan. In this case do not let the government harmed on the pretext of the interests of the community but the profits of the company itself.
Moreover Gili Trawangan is a conservation where many stages and procedures must be completed to obtain permission. Drilling on the island is dangerous, although it has been for so many years PT. BAL operates, but can not contribute to the area because it does not have permission. But if indeed there is a loss caused by PT. BAL against countries and regions because they do not have permission. But if indeed there is a loss caused by PT. BAL against countries and regions.
It is not impossible that this will be brought into the realm of law. The local government wants to realize the target in 2019 of 100 percent clean water coverage. What is clear from the source as long as supported by all parties please walk. Did not rule out also involving third parties. To note, the government recognizes the supervision made against PT. BAL is pretty weak.
Because post provides recommendations such as IPPT (Land Use Permit), UPL / UKL and IMB. Ideally, once licensed, the licensing team should monitor the progress of the prospective investor's activities on a regular basis, or may monitor through progress reports of activities that should be provided to the local government.
In addition to operational licenses that have not been owned, PT. BAL has three types of permits namely Land Use Allotment Permit (IPPT). To solve this problem, cooperation between North Lombok and NTB Provincial Government is required. Because the management of underground water use is now the authority of NTB Provincial Government.
For Indonesia (Business Investment / Asset Management / Account Opening / Immigration Support, etc) we receive various consultations. Linking Japan and Indonesia, full support from consulting firms.
PT. Berkat Laut Laut (BAL) is the only company engaged in water supply sector that entered Gili Trawangan several years ago, it has not completed its operational permit. Moreover, this company is currently drilling sea water, whereas this company in the first permit application is to process (distillate) sea water to be clean.
So that makes the community and local government feel harmed. For that Vice Regent of North Lombok asked the management of PT. BAL immediately completed the necessary permits to be able to operate legally in Gili Trawangan and there were no problems later on. Clean water in Gili Trawangan tourist area is a vital need for people, businessmen and tourists. So the company may soon have to take care of the permit, because permission is a thing that must be owned by every company.
PT. BAL in permission application is to process (distillate) sea water to be clean, but the reality is currently PT. BAL actually even drill in Gili Trawangan. In this case do not let the government harmed on the pretext of the interests of the community but the profits of the company itself.
Moreover Gili Trawangan is a conservation where many stages and procedures must be completed to obtain permission. Drilling on the island is dangerous, although it has been for so many years PT. BAL operates, but can not contribute to the area because it does not have permission. But if indeed there is a loss caused by PT. BAL against countries and regions because they do not have permission. But if indeed there is a loss caused by PT. BAL against countries and regions.
It is not impossible that this will be brought into the realm of law. The local government wants to realize the target in 2019 of 100 percent clean water coverage. What is clear from the source as long as supported by all parties please walk. Did not rule out also involving third parties. To note, the government recognizes the supervision made against PT. BAL is pretty weak.
Because post provides recommendations such as IPPT (Land Use Permit), UPL / UKL and IMB. Ideally, once licensed, the licensing team should monitor the progress of the prospective investor's activities on a regular basis, or may monitor through progress reports of activities that should be provided to the local government.
For Indonesia (Business Investment / Asset Management / Account Opening / Immigration Support, etc) we receive various consultations. Linking Japan and Indonesia, full support from consulting firms.
[Cv. Albabianca Abadi]
PT. Berkat Air Laut (BAL) satu-satunya perusahaan yang bergerak di sektor penyediaan air bersih yang masuk ke Gili Trawangan beberapa tahun silam, ternyata belum melengkapi izin operasionalnya. Apalagi saat ini perusahaan ini mengebor air laut, padahal perusahaan ini dalam pengajuan izinnya dulu adalah mengolah (menyuling) air laut menjadi bersih.
Sehingga membuat masyarakat dan pemerintah daerah merasa dirugikan. Untuk itu Wakil Bupati Lombok Utara meminta kepada pihak manajemen PT. BAL segera melengkapi izin yang diperlukan agar bisa beroperasi secara legal di Gili Trawangan dan tidak ada masalah di kemudian harinya. Air bersih di kawasan wisata Gili Trawangan merupakan kebutuhan vital bagi masyarakat, pengusaha serta wisatawan. Sehingga perusahaan segera mungkin harus mengurus surat izinnya, karena izin merupakan suatu hal yang harus dimiliki setiap perusahaan.
Sehingga membuat masyarakat dan pemerintah daerah merasa dirugikan. Untuk itu Wakil Bupati Lombok Utara meminta kepada pihak manajemen PT. BAL segera melengkapi izin yang diperlukan agar bisa beroperasi secara legal di Gili Trawangan dan tidak ada masalah di kemudian harinya. Air bersih di kawasan wisata Gili Trawangan merupakan kebutuhan vital bagi masyarakat, pengusaha serta wisatawan. Sehingga perusahaan segera mungkin harus mengurus surat izinnya, karena izin merupakan suatu hal yang harus dimiliki setiap perusahaan.
PT. BAL dalam pengajuan izinnya dulu adalah mengolah (menyuling) air laut menjadi bersih, namun kenyataannya saat ini PT. BAL justru malah mengebor di Gili Trawangan. Dalam hal ini jangan sampai pemerintah dirugikan dengan dalih kepentingan masyarakat tapi yang untung perusahaan itu sendiri.
Apalagi Gili Trawangan merupakan konservasi dimana banyak tahapan maupun prosedur yang harus diselesaikan untuk mendapatkan izin. Mengebor di pulau itu berbahaya, meskipun sudah sekian tahun PT. BAL beroperasi, tapi tidak bisa berkontribusi kepada daerah karena tidak memiliki izin. Tetapi jika memang ada kerugian yang diakibatkan PT. BAL terhadap negara dan daerah karena tidak memiliki izin. Tetapi jika memang ada kerugian yang diakibatkan PT. BAL terhadap negara dan daerah.
Bukan tidak mungkin hal ini akan dibawa ke ranah hukum. Pemerintah daerah ingin wujudkan target pada 2019 cakupan air bersih 100 persen. Yang jelas darimana sumbernya sepanjang didukung semua pihak silahkan jalan. Tidak menutup kemungkinan juga melibatkan pihak ketiga. Untuk diketahui, pemerintah mengakui pengawasan yang dilakukan terhadap PT. BAL cukup lemah.
Karena pasca memberikan rekomendasi seperti IPPT (Izin Peruntukan Penggunaan Tanah), UPL/UKL dan IMB. Idealnya, setelah diberikan izin, maka tim perizinan mestinya memantau perkembangan aktivitas calon investor secara berkala, atau bisa juga memantau melalui laporan perkembangan aktivitas yang harusnya diberikan ke pemerintah daerah.
Selain izin operasional yang belum dimiliki, PT. BAL memiliki tiga jenis izin yakni Izin Peruntukan Penggunaan Tanah (IPPT) Untuk menuntaskan persoalan ini, dibutuhkan kerjasama antara Pemkab Lombok Utara dan Pemprov NTB. Karena pengurusan pemanfaatan air bawah tanah sekarang merupakan kewenangan Pemprov NTB.
Apalagi Gili Trawangan merupakan konservasi dimana banyak tahapan maupun prosedur yang harus diselesaikan untuk mendapatkan izin. Mengebor di pulau itu berbahaya, meskipun sudah sekian tahun PT. BAL beroperasi, tapi tidak bisa berkontribusi kepada daerah karena tidak memiliki izin. Tetapi jika memang ada kerugian yang diakibatkan PT. BAL terhadap negara dan daerah karena tidak memiliki izin. Tetapi jika memang ada kerugian yang diakibatkan PT. BAL terhadap negara dan daerah.
Bukan tidak mungkin hal ini akan dibawa ke ranah hukum. Pemerintah daerah ingin wujudkan target pada 2019 cakupan air bersih 100 persen. Yang jelas darimana sumbernya sepanjang didukung semua pihak silahkan jalan. Tidak menutup kemungkinan juga melibatkan pihak ketiga. Untuk diketahui, pemerintah mengakui pengawasan yang dilakukan terhadap PT. BAL cukup lemah.
Karena pasca memberikan rekomendasi seperti IPPT (Izin Peruntukan Penggunaan Tanah), UPL/UKL dan IMB. Idealnya, setelah diberikan izin, maka tim perizinan mestinya memantau perkembangan aktivitas calon investor secara berkala, atau bisa juga memantau melalui laporan perkembangan aktivitas yang harusnya diberikan ke pemerintah daerah.
Untuk Indonesia (investasi bisnis / aset managemen / pembukaan rekening / imigrasi, dll) kami menerima berbagai konsultasi. Menghubungkan Jepang dan Indonesia, dukungan penuh dari perusahaan konsultan.
Cv. Albabianca Abadi
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