The beauty of Sunset and Sunrise in Gili Trawangan / Keindahan Sunset dan Sunrise di Gili Trawangan / Cv. Albabianca Abadi
Gili Trawangan is an island that becomes Lombok tourist attraction that is not less beautiful with beach tourism in Bali. Many recreational activities on the island make fresh minds. Gili Trawangan is the largest island of the three small islands of Gili Meno and Gili Air, located in the northwest of Lombok.
In Gili Trawangan, as well as in the other two dyke, there are no motor vehicles, as they are not permitted by local rules. The usual means of transportation are bicycles that are rented out by the local community for tourists, in addition there are cidomo or common in Java can be called with andong.
So that both sunrise and sunset we can enjoy on this beach. While the night does not feel lonely because overseas tourists are still crowded on the beach and enjoy the roar of small waves. Capturing sunrise is the most interesting activity when traveling. For those of us who are spending holidays in Gili Trawangan, this is the way to get the best sunrise there.
Many people think that finding the moment the sun rises only in the mountains. In fact not, even while on the beach, we can still find a beautiful sunrise on Gili Trawangan. If you do not want to miss catching her beauty, here are some tips to get the sunrise in Gili Trawangan:
1. Wake up at 04.00 Wita
Gili Trawangan is with the best sunrise viewing location on the east coast. The sun will first illuminate this location than anywhere else. So, if you want to see the beauty of sunrise, wake up that morning.
2. Use warm clothing and prepare a warm drink
Although not in the mountains, strong winds and cold air dawn of Gili Trawangan day will bite our skin. In order not to shiver, which resulted in not maximal in enjoying the morning sun, wear warm clothes continued.
In addition to using warm clothes, other things you need to prepare for the moment catch the sunrise the more fun is preparing a warm drink. It also helps to keep the body warm even though the air and wind are so cold.
3. Go to the east coast
After warm clothes and beverages are ready, go to the east coast, precisely at Gili Trawangan pier. This beach presents a beautiful sunrise sensation. From the edge of the beach or the pier, we can see the elegance of the Sun when just out of the bed. At that time the reddish orange color slowly coloring the sky of Lombok.
4. Use the bike
In order not to lag behind sunrise moment, we can choose bicycle as transportation if distance inn far from beach. We do not need to hire cidomo because the rent is too expensive.
In addition, by using the bike, we can better enjoy the morning air of Lombok nil on a bicycle. But if our lodging close to the east coast, no need to bother riding a bike. We just walk.
5. Bring the camera
To capture the sunset, do not forget to bring the camera. We can pose behind the sunrise, surely add fun to catch the sunrise moment. If we do not bring the camera is very unfortunate things like this we do not capture.
For Indonesia (Business Investment / Asset Management / Account Opening / Immigration Support, etc) we receive various consultations. Linking Japan and Indonesia, full support from consulting firms.
Gili Trawangan is an island that becomes Lombok tourist attraction that is not less beautiful with beach tourism in Bali. Many recreational activities on the island make fresh minds. Gili Trawangan is the largest island of the three small islands of Gili Meno and Gili Air, located in the northwest of Lombok.
In Gili Trawangan, as well as in the other two dyke, there are no motor vehicles, as they are not permitted by local rules. The usual means of transportation are bicycles that are rented out by the local community for tourists, in addition there are cidomo or common in Java can be called with andong.
So that both sunrise and sunset we can enjoy on this beach. While the night does not feel lonely because overseas tourists are still crowded on the beach and enjoy the roar of small waves. Capturing sunrise is the most interesting activity when traveling. For those of us who are spending holidays in Gili Trawangan, this is the way to get the best sunrise there.
Many people think that finding the moment the sun rises only in the mountains. In fact not, even while on the beach, we can still find a beautiful sunrise on Gili Trawangan. If you do not want to miss catching her beauty, here are some tips to get the sunrise in Gili Trawangan:
1. Wake up at 04.00 Wita
Gili Trawangan is with the best sunrise viewing location on the east coast. The sun will first illuminate this location than anywhere else. So, if you want to see the beauty of sunrise, wake up that morning.
2. Use warm clothing and prepare a warm drink
Although not in the mountains, strong winds and cold air dawn of Gili Trawangan day will bite our skin. In order not to shiver, which resulted in not maximal in enjoying the morning sun, wear warm clothes continued.
In addition to using warm clothes, other things you need to prepare for the moment catch the sunrise the more fun is preparing a warm drink. It also helps to keep the body warm even though the air and wind are so cold.
3. Go to the east coast
After warm clothes and beverages are ready, go to the east coast, precisely at Gili Trawangan pier. This beach presents a beautiful sunrise sensation. From the edge of the beach or the pier, we can see the elegance of the Sun when just out of the bed. At that time the reddish orange color slowly coloring the sky of Lombok.
4. Use the bike
In order not to lag behind sunrise moment, we can choose bicycle as transportation if distance inn far from beach. We do not need to hire cidomo because the rent is too expensive.
In addition, by using the bike, we can better enjoy the morning air of Lombok nil on a bicycle. But if our lodging close to the east coast, no need to bother riding a bike. We just walk.
5. Bring the camera
To capture the sunset, do not forget to bring the camera. We can pose behind the sunrise, surely add fun to catch the sunrise moment. If we do not bring the camera is very unfortunate things like this we do not capture.
For Indonesia (Business Investment / Asset Management / Account Opening / Immigration Support, etc) we receive various consultations. Linking Japan and Indonesia, full support from consulting firms.
[Cv. Albabianca Abadi]
Gili trawangan adalah pulau yang menjadi pesona wisata Lombok yang tak kalah indahnya dengan wisata pantai di Bali. Banyak aktifitas rekreasi di pulau tersebut yang membuat pikiran fresh. Gili Trawangan adalah pulau yang terbesar dari ketiga pulau kecil yaitu Gili Meno dan Gili Air, yang terdapat di sebelah barat laut Lombok.
Di Gili Trawangan, begitu juga di dua gili yang lain, tidak terdapat kendaraan bermotor, karena tidak diizinkan oleh aturan lokal. Sarana transportasi yang lazim adalah sepeda yang disewakan oleh masyarakat setempat untuk para wisatawan, selain itu ada cidomo atau biasa di Jawa bisa disebut dengan andong.

Sore hari bersepeda menuju kawasan yang bisa melihat sunset adalah kelebihan Gili Trawangan dibandingkan dengan pantai lain, kita dapat menikmati sunset dan juga sunrise sekaligus di pantai ini. Gili Trawangan memiliki pantai yang menghadap timur dan menghadap barat, dan jaraknya tidak terlalu jauh.
Banyak orang yang mengira kalau menemukan momen matahari terbit hanya ada di wilayah pegunungan. Nyatanya tidak, meski sedang berada di pantai, kita tetap bisa menemukan sunrise cantik di Gili Trawangan. Jika tak ingin ketinggalan menangkap kecantikannya, berikut beberapa tips untuk mendapatkan sunrise di Gili Trawangan:
Di Gili Trawangan, begitu juga di dua gili yang lain, tidak terdapat kendaraan bermotor, karena tidak diizinkan oleh aturan lokal. Sarana transportasi yang lazim adalah sepeda yang disewakan oleh masyarakat setempat untuk para wisatawan, selain itu ada cidomo atau biasa di Jawa bisa disebut dengan andong.

Sore hari bersepeda menuju kawasan yang bisa melihat sunset adalah kelebihan Gili Trawangan dibandingkan dengan pantai lain, kita dapat menikmati sunset dan juga sunrise sekaligus di pantai ini. Gili Trawangan memiliki pantai yang menghadap timur dan menghadap barat, dan jaraknya tidak terlalu jauh.
Banyak orang yang mengira kalau menemukan momen matahari terbit hanya ada di wilayah pegunungan. Nyatanya tidak, meski sedang berada di pantai, kita tetap bisa menemukan sunrise cantik di Gili Trawangan. Jika tak ingin ketinggalan menangkap kecantikannya, berikut beberapa tips untuk mendapatkan sunrise di Gili Trawangan:
1. Bangun pukul 04.00 Wita
Gili Trawangan adalah dengan lokasi melihat sunrise terbaik di pantai timur. Matahari akan lebih dahulu menyinari lokasi ini dibanding tempat lain. Jadi, kalau ingin melihat kecantikan sunrise, bangunlah sepagi itu.
2. Gunakan pakaian hangat dan siapkan minuman hangat
Meski tidak berada di kawasan pegunungan, angin kencang dan udara dingin subuh hari milik Gili Trawangan akan menggigit kulit kita. Agar tidak menggigil, yang berakibat tidak maksimal dalam menikmati matahari pagi, kenakan terus baju hangat.

Selain menggunakan pakaian hangat, hal lain yang perlu Anda persiapkan agar momen menangkap sunrise semakin asyik adalah menyiapkan minuman hangat. Ini juga membantu agar tubuh tetap hangat meski udara dan angin terasa begitu dingin.

Selain menggunakan pakaian hangat, hal lain yang perlu Anda persiapkan agar momen menangkap sunrise semakin asyik adalah menyiapkan minuman hangat. Ini juga membantu agar tubuh tetap hangat meski udara dan angin terasa begitu dingin.
3. Pergi ke pantai timur
Setelah pakaian dan minuman hangat siap, berangkatlah menuju pantai timur, tepatnya di dermaga Gili Trawangan. Pantai inilah yang menyajikan sensasi sunrise yang cantik. Dari pinggir pantai atau dermaga, kita bisa melihat keanggunan Sang Surya ketika baru keluar dari peraduan. Ketika itu warna jingga kemerahan perlahan mewarnai langit Lombok.

4. Gunakan sepeda
Agar tidak tertinggal momen matahari terbit, kita bisa memilih sepeda sebagai transportasi jika jarak penginapan jauh dari pantai. Kita tidak perlu menyewa cidomo karena harga sewa yang terlampau mahal.
Selain itu, dengan menggunakan sepeda, kita bisa lebih menikmati udara pagi Lombok sembil menaiki sepeda. Namun jika penginapan kita dekat dengan pantai timur, tak perlu repot-repot naik sepeda. Kita cukup jalan kaki saja.
Selain itu, dengan menggunakan sepeda, kita bisa lebih menikmati udara pagi Lombok sembil menaiki sepeda. Namun jika penginapan kita dekat dengan pantai timur, tak perlu repot-repot naik sepeda. Kita cukup jalan kaki saja.

5. Membawa kamera
Untuk mengabadikan sunset, jangan lupa untuk membawa kamera. Kita bisa berpose di balik matahari terbit, pasti menambah asyik momen menangkap sunrise. Jika kita tidak membawa kamera sangat disayangkan hal seindah ini tidak kita abadikan.

Untuk Indonesia (investasi bisnis / aset managemen / pembukaan rekening / imigrasi, dll) kami menerima berbagai konsultasi. Menghubungkan Jepang dan Indonesia, dukungan penuh dari perusahaan konsultan.
Cv. Albabianca Abadi
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