Some Community Clean the Trash in Gili Trawangan / Beberapa Komunitas Bersihkan Sampah di Gili Trawangan / Cv. Albabianca Abadi

(English/Indonesia) A t around 7:00 pm hundreds of people from all over came to Gili Trawangan Hamlet, Gili Indah Village, District Winner, North Lombok. They staged a rally down the street to clear the island from trash on Sunday 19 March. The action as an outlet of disappointment because slowly Pemkab Lombok North to overcome the problem of waste there post-OTT some time ago. Chairman of the Gili Trawangan Employers Association (APGT) said not only the Village and the people of Trawangan are down. Even people from Mataram City and some communities took part. There are 400 people all elements join to clean up garbage in Gili Trawangan, there is Club Vespa motor and student nature lovers. Although it has collected a lot of garbage, but this is only about 22 percent of the total garbage scattered on the island that successfully cleaned. Later collected gar...