Investor Affairs Simplified in North Lombok Regency 2017 / Urusan Investor Dipermudah di Kabupaten Lombok Utara 2017 / Cv. Albabianca Abadi
One of the investors' investment areas to invest both property and hotel, restaurant and villa development is in North Lombok. As more and more investors are attracted to the North Lombok region, the government provides good service and does not make it difficult for investors to invest in terms of conditions as long as the terms are already in effect.
Because if this is complicated the government worries investors will move to other areas. Based on official records, there are already five investors to invest four apartments and one villa. These five investors have already done the licensing process and have conducted a survey, this survey is determined no problem in breaking the rules. During the process and before the development of the government will communicate with local residents for their workforce from this area as well.

With the affairs that can facilitate the investors of North Lombok will be advanced in terms of its customers, the real example is in Gili Trawangan. Within a day Gili Trawangan can be visited by 2,600 foreign tourists and local tourists, high tourist visits to Gili Trawangan due to the operation of fast boat (fastboat) about 20s from Bali and Lombok International Airport.
Gili Trawangan will also be arranged as well as possible by the government, because this area will be a mainstay for North Lombok. One of them is the arrangement of circumference of Gili Trawangan, arrangement of building and arrangement of road. This is strived for Gili Trawangan can be more orderly and safe visited by tourists.
For Indonesia (Business Investment / Asset Management / Account Opening / Immigration Support, etc) we receive various consultations. Linking Japan and Indonesia, full support from consulting firms.
[Cv. Albabianca Abadi]
Salah satu daerah incaran para investor untuk menanamkan investasi baik properti maupun pembangunan hotel, restoran dan villa adalah di Lombok Utara. Karena semakin banyaknya investor yang tertarik dengan daerah Lombok Utara, pemerintah memberikan pelayanan yang baik dan tidak mempersulit investor untuk berinvestasi dari segi persyaratan selama ketentuan itu sudah berlaku.
Sebab jika hal ini dipersulit pemerintah mengkhawatirkan para investor akan pindah ke daerah lain. Berdasarkan catatan dinas, sudah ada lima investor untuk berinvestasi empat apartemen dan satu villa. Kelima investor ini sudah melakukan proses perijinan dan sudah melakukan survei, survei ini ditentukan tidak bermasalah dalam melanggar aturan. Saat proses dan sebelum pembangunan pemerintah akan berkomunikasi dengan warga setempat agar tenaga kerjanya dari daerah ini juga.
One of the investors' investment areas to invest both property and hotel, restaurant and villa development is in North Lombok. As more and more investors are attracted to the North Lombok region, the government provides good service and does not make it difficult for investors to invest in terms of conditions as long as the terms are already in effect.
Because if this is complicated the government worries investors will move to other areas. Based on official records, there are already five investors to invest four apartments and one villa. These five investors have already done the licensing process and have conducted a survey, this survey is determined no problem in breaking the rules. During the process and before the development of the government will communicate with local residents for their workforce from this area as well.

With the affairs that can facilitate the investors of North Lombok will be advanced in terms of its customers, the real example is in Gili Trawangan. Within a day Gili Trawangan can be visited by 2,600 foreign tourists and local tourists, high tourist visits to Gili Trawangan due to the operation of fast boat (fastboat) about 20s from Bali and Lombok International Airport.
For Indonesia (Business Investment / Asset Management / Account Opening / Immigration Support, etc) we receive various consultations. Linking Japan and Indonesia, full support from consulting firms.
[Cv. Albabianca Abadi]
Sebab jika hal ini dipersulit pemerintah mengkhawatirkan para investor akan pindah ke daerah lain. Berdasarkan catatan dinas, sudah ada lima investor untuk berinvestasi empat apartemen dan satu villa. Kelima investor ini sudah melakukan proses perijinan dan sudah melakukan survei, survei ini ditentukan tidak bermasalah dalam melanggar aturan. Saat proses dan sebelum pembangunan pemerintah akan berkomunikasi dengan warga setempat agar tenaga kerjanya dari daerah ini juga.
Dengan urusan yang bisa memudahkan para investor tentu Lombok Utara akan menjadi maju dalam segi parawisatanya, contoh nyatanya adalah di Gili Trawangan. Dalam sehari Gili Trawangan bisa dikunjungi 2.600 wisatawan mancanegara dan wisatawan lokal, tingginya kunjungan wisatawan ke Gili Trawangan karena beroperasinya kapal cepat (fastboat) sekitar 20-an dari Bali dan Lombok Internasional Airport.
Gili Trawangan juga akan ditata sebaik mungkin oleh pemerintah, karena kawasan in akan menjadi andalan bagi Lombok Utara. Salah satunya adalah penataan lingkar Gili Trawangan, penataan bangunan dan penataan jalan. Hal ini diupayakan agar Gili Trawangan bisa lebih tertib dan aman dikunjungi wisatawan.
Gili Trawangan juga akan ditata sebaik mungkin oleh pemerintah, karena kawasan in akan menjadi andalan bagi Lombok Utara. Salah satunya adalah penataan lingkar Gili Trawangan, penataan bangunan dan penataan jalan. Hal ini diupayakan agar Gili Trawangan bisa lebih tertib dan aman dikunjungi wisatawan.
Untuk Indonesia (Investasi Bisnis / Aset Managemen / Pembukaan Rekening / Dukungan Imigrasi, dll) kami menerima berbagai konsultasi. Menghubungkan Jepang dan Indonesia, dukungan penuh dari perusahaan konsultan.
[Cv. Albabianca Abadi]
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