Police Replace Security Island in Gili Trawangan / Polisi Gantikan Security Island di Gili Trawangan / Cv. Albabianca Abadi
Following the demolition of border buildings on the coast of Gili Trawangan and including the cessation of operational security island after Operation Capture of Saber Pungli team some time ago, the safety factor for tourists and the local community was tightened. North Lombok Police Chief will maximize the members in Pospol Subsector three gili, plus a number of members from the Polsek Winner who is ready to escort the island's kamtibmas.
Because previous security island vacuum post OTT Saber team Polda NTB. There are 15 members and maximized plus 34 more members from Polsek Pemenang. This means that security in the area of tourism is really noticed. Not without cause, the dissolution factor of Security Island also triggered the spirit of active police officers. Inventory number of disturbance has been done.

Routine patrols are always done either in the doorway to the back, even if there is a criminal act that is light then punished custom. If the big clear lawy procedure would be done. But all this time always appealed to the victims to follow the legal process. Members on duty also has been equipped by several facilities, in addition to the post offices Security Island full security ranging from handcuffs, bikes, sticks, weapons, as well as CCTV cameras on the road Gili Trawangan also ready.
This is to narrow the movements of the perpetrators of criminal action on the island. For the matter of CCTV, in fact it is an initiative program. There are four CCTV camera points that can be accessed directly with the application, not only that with this application citizens can send criticism and suggestions to the ranks of Polres KLU.
For Indonesia (Business Investment / Asset Management / Account Opening / Immigration Support, etc.) we receive various consultations. Linking Japan and Indonesia, full support from consulting firms.
[Cv. Albabianca Abadi]
Email: albabianca.abadi@gmail.com
Setelah dilakukan penertiban bangunan sempadan di pantai Gili Trawangan dan termasuk berhentinya operasional security island usai Operasi Tangkap Tangan tim Saber Pungli beberapa waktu lalu, faktor keamanan bagi wisatawan dan masyarakat setempat pun diperketat. Kapolres Lombok Utara akan memaksimalkan anggota di Pospol Subsektor tiga gili, ditambah dengan sejumlah anggota dari Polsek Pemenang yang siap mengawal kamtibmas pulau tersebut.
Sebab sebelumnya security island vakum pasca OTT tim Saber Polda NTB. Ada 15 anggota dan maksimalkan ditambah 34 anggota lagi dari Polsek Pemenang. Artinya keamanan di kawasan pariwisata benar-benar diperhatikan. Bukan tanpa sebab, faktor bubarnya Security Island juga menjadi pemicu semangat aparat Kepolisian bergerak aktif. Inventaris sejumlah gangguan pun telah dilakukan.
Patroli rutin selalu dilakukan entah dipintu masuk sampai ke belakang, kalau pun ada tindakan kriminal yang sifatnya ringan maka dihukum adat. Kalau besar jelas bakal dilakukan prosedur sesuai hukum. Tetapi selama ini selalu mengimbau pada korban untuk mengikuti proses hukum. Anggota yang bertugas pun juga telah dilengkapi oleh beberapa fasilitas, selain kantor pos bekas Security Island persejataan lengkap mulai dari borgol, sepeda, tongkat, persenjataan, serta kamera CCTV dijalanan Gili Trawangan juga sudah siap.
Hal ini untuk mempersempit gerak-gerik pelaku aksi criminal di pulau tersebut. Untuk soal CCTV, sebenarnya itu merupakan program inisiatif. Terdapat empat titik kamera CCTV yang bisa diakses langsung dengan aplikasi, tak hanya itu dengan aplikasi ini warga bisa mengirim kritik dan saran kepada jajaran Polres KLU.
Following the demolition of border buildings on the coast of Gili Trawangan and including the cessation of operational security island after Operation Capture of Saber Pungli team some time ago, the safety factor for tourists and the local community was tightened. North Lombok Police Chief will maximize the members in Pospol Subsector three gili, plus a number of members from the Polsek Winner who is ready to escort the island's kamtibmas.
Because previous security island vacuum post OTT Saber team Polda NTB. There are 15 members and maximized plus 34 more members from Polsek Pemenang. This means that security in the area of tourism is really noticed. Not without cause, the dissolution factor of Security Island also triggered the spirit of active police officers. Inventory number of disturbance has been done.

Routine patrols are always done either in the doorway to the back, even if there is a criminal act that is light then punished custom. If the big clear lawy procedure would be done. But all this time always appealed to the victims to follow the legal process. Members on duty also has been equipped by several facilities, in addition to the post offices Security Island full security ranging from handcuffs, bikes, sticks, weapons, as well as CCTV cameras on the road Gili Trawangan also ready.
For Indonesia (Business Investment / Asset Management / Account Opening / Immigration Support, etc.) we receive various consultations. Linking Japan and Indonesia, full support from consulting firms.
[Cv. Albabianca Abadi]
Email: albabianca.abadi@gmail.com
Setelah dilakukan penertiban bangunan sempadan di pantai Gili Trawangan dan termasuk berhentinya operasional security island usai Operasi Tangkap Tangan tim Saber Pungli beberapa waktu lalu, faktor keamanan bagi wisatawan dan masyarakat setempat pun diperketat. Kapolres Lombok Utara akan memaksimalkan anggota di Pospol Subsektor tiga gili, ditambah dengan sejumlah anggota dari Polsek Pemenang yang siap mengawal kamtibmas pulau tersebut.
Sebab sebelumnya security island vakum pasca OTT tim Saber Polda NTB. Ada 15 anggota dan maksimalkan ditambah 34 anggota lagi dari Polsek Pemenang. Artinya keamanan di kawasan pariwisata benar-benar diperhatikan. Bukan tanpa sebab, faktor bubarnya Security Island juga menjadi pemicu semangat aparat Kepolisian bergerak aktif. Inventaris sejumlah gangguan pun telah dilakukan.
Patroli rutin selalu dilakukan entah dipintu masuk sampai ke belakang, kalau pun ada tindakan kriminal yang sifatnya ringan maka dihukum adat. Kalau besar jelas bakal dilakukan prosedur sesuai hukum. Tetapi selama ini selalu mengimbau pada korban untuk mengikuti proses hukum. Anggota yang bertugas pun juga telah dilengkapi oleh beberapa fasilitas, selain kantor pos bekas Security Island persejataan lengkap mulai dari borgol, sepeda, tongkat, persenjataan, serta kamera CCTV dijalanan Gili Trawangan juga sudah siap.
Untuk Indonesia (Investasi Bisnis / Aset Managemen / Pembukaan Rekening / Dukungan Imigrasi, dll) kami menerima berbagai konsultasi. Menghubungkan Jepang dan Indonesia, dukungan penuh dari perusahaan konsultan.
[Cv. Albabianca Abadi]
Email: albabianca.abadi@gmail.com
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