
Showing posts from May, 2017

Gili Trawangan is Island Thousand Bule / Gili Trawangan Pulau Seribu Bule / Cv. Albabianca Abadi

(English/Indonesia) G ili Trawangan, is the largest of the three Gili islands located in the northwest of Lombok. The location of Gili Trawangan is quite high above sea level with a length of about 3 km and the most densely populated, than the other dyke is Gili Meno and Gili Air.  Gili Trawangan Island is also called Party Island, because many foreign tourists (bule) are passing everywhere. They often enjoy the night with party / party along the cafes in Gili Trawangan. In addition to the evening, during the day there are many typical craft shops and boutiques beach clothing bustling crowded buyers.  Maybe if we vacation to Gili Trawangan will forget if residing in Indonesia, because many foreign tourists who visit in Gili Trawangan. They go back and forth to and fro as the virus can not be prevented. No need to be confused to find a place to stay because many hotels and inns with various variants that can be adjusted with the budget. The hotel is mostly located alo...

Month of Ramadan Activities in Gili Trawangan Restricted / Bulan Ramadhan Aktivitas di Gili Trawangan Dibatasi / Cv. Albabianca Abadi

(English/Indonesia) G ili Trawangan, a small island visited by many local tourists and foreign tourists, every day there is never a word deserted visitors. But during the month of Ramadan, there are some rules that must be obeyed tourists, businessmen, and people in Gili Trawangan. Among them do not sound firecrackers and fireworks at night or during the day. The rules also prohibit anyone from eating and drinking in public spaces during the day, but if eating inside the restaurant is still allowed. According to Gili Indah Village Chief, the regulation has been agreed by the entrepreneurs and the local community. It has also been disseminated and communicated to all parties. Furthermore, there is no party held cafes that exist as usual, for live music performances are also given a fixed schedule until 00:00 pm so as not to interfere with worship night. Travelers are also not allowed to wear bikinis in the area of ​​community settlements. According to the Village Chief, th...

Local Tourers Come Down Visit Gili Trawangan, Because of Ramadhan / Wisatawan Lokal Menurun Kunjungi Gili Trawangan, Karena Bulan Ramadhan / Cv. Albabianca Abadi

(English/Indonesia) G ili Trawangan is a familiar island we hear, this small island is famous to foreign countries. So do not be surprised if every day many visitors who come to this island. Although there are 3 gilis namely Gili Meno, Gili Air and Gili Trawangan, but the most visited is Gili Trawangan. Gili Meno is a suitable island for a holiday to find peace, away from the noise and clamor of the city atmosphere. Because Gili Meno is still rarely visited by tourists for the complete facilities, from the number of existing facilities are not as much as in Gili Trawangan. Therefore Gili Meno is the right place for those of us who want to vacation with boyfriend, honeymoon, or special friend because of the calm atmosphere and no noise that can disturb the romantic atmosphere. Gili Meno is the most Romantic Island among the Gili Trio. Of the three Gili that fits or everything there is on the island of Gili Air, because Gili Air is a combination of Gili Trawangan and Gili M...

Ramadhan in Gili Trawangan No Party No Bikini / Ramadhan di Gili Trawangan No Party No Bikini / Cv. Albabianca Abadi

(English/Indonesia) T he month of Ramadan is used as a momentum by all Muslims to worship in a solemn, hunger-tolerant way to lust become an annual routine. Of course somewhat different, when running fast in a region half occupied by foreign tourists (tourists).  Differences in culture, culture, until the faith as if a challenge for local Muslim community. At least that will be passed by the community in Gili Trawangan, Gili Indah Village, District Winner, North Lombok (KLU) until the next month. Apparently, the implementation of fasting this year on the exotic island is not much different as in previous years.  Where in the process, a number of bars that host parties almost every night are now strictly prohibited. Usually the government limits party hours for example from 00.00 Wita to 02.00 Wita, but during Ramadan no party in Trawangan. In addition to respecting the people who are running fast, the ban party when Ramadan has been applied since tens of year...

Cidomo Taxi in Gili Trawangan / Cidomo Taksi di Gili Trawangan / Cv. Albabianca Abadi

(English/Indonesia) V acation is a thing that most people love, because with us on vacation we can refresh our brains are usually filled with our routine activities such as school, work and other busy. Visiting Gili Trawangan means we have to get ready to take a deep breath and provide the vast space to the deepest lungs.  Why? Because the island is still included in the province of West Nusa Tenggara, we will breathe the air is super clean and awake kesegarannya. Not allowing motor vehicles to operate in the dyke is the reason of the clean and fresh air. We have to walk, ride a bike or ride a cidomo.  The government does not allow the use of motor vehicles to allow tourists to enjoy clean air without pollution. When anchored we have mocked dozens of cidomo at the port. For those who have never been to Gili Trawangan and still strange to hear cidomo, now our questions are answered. Cidomo is a taxi-style Gili Trawangan, therefore in Gili Trawangan operate ...

Consulate General of India Visits Lombok After US Ambassador / Konjen India Berkunjung ke Lombok Setelah Dubes AS / Cv. Albabianca Abadi

(English/Indonesia) L ombok is now the center of attention for all foreign and local tourists, this year a lot of tourists visiting the island. In two consecutive days, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) the arrival of important figures of foreign delegations. After US Ambassador HE Joseph R Donovan JR received the Governor of NTB, the following day the Consulate General of India in Bali, R.O.  Sunil Babu visited Bumi Thousand Mosque and met with the Governor of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), TGH M Zainul Majdi. The mission of this consulate visit is to offer a scholarship program of S1, S2 and S3 education for the children of NTB who will be educated in India. Sunil Babu said the offer is a form of appreciation of a good Indian-Indonesian relationship.  Besides embodied in the field of educational and cultural cooperation, also the relationship between the two countries more closely, with the growing development of tourism sector. Travelers from India who travel to Indo...

American Companies Will Invest in NTB / Perusahaan Amerika Akan Investasi di NTB / Cv. Albabianca Abadi

(English/Indonesia)  W e move on to Central Lombok where here US Ambassador Joseph R. Donovan admits to the beauty of nature and the coast, in the special economic zone (KEK) Mandalika in Kuta Village, Pujut Lombok Tengah (Loteng). He plans, will bring a number of entrepreneurs from the USA to invest. While visiting the beach the Ambassador said amazing beaches are beautiful. Naturally, according to Joseph the foreign tourists, from countries in the world came in the southern region. He was convinced, most came from America. On that basis, America will become one of the countries, which will participate in the success of tourism development in NTB. Especially, in KEK Mandalika. Asked which companies to take, Joseph was reluctant to disclose. To be sure, Joseph said there are several companies. The rest, will be known after he conducted a return visit to NTB, to meet with Governor HM Zainul Majdi. The situation and condition of NTB province is very profitable for the...