7 Unique Gili Trawangan Facts / 7 Fakta Gili Trawangan yang Unik / Cv. Albabianca Abadi
Gili Trawangan now become one of the visit for local and foreign tourists, not because of its natural course that make surprised but there are some unique facts that exist in this island. Here are some unique facts that exist in Gili Trawangan.

1. Residents are mostly foreign tourists
Gili Trawangan is very famous for foreign tourists, so do not be surprised if many people outside Indonesia who visit this island. In Gili Trawangan the atmosphere is like the beaches in Hawaii with a cafe on the beach with the concept of international style.

2. Locals live in the middle of the island
Average land on the beach was established hotels, restaurants and cafes. Incidentally local penduudk live gathered in the middle of the island and buy their land on the beach sold to investors to build a place to hang out tourists.

3. Lodging on the beach is more expensive than in the middle of the island
Generally lodging on the beach the price is fairly expensive, there are prices up to tens of millions. But for a very minimal budget we can find lodging in the middle of the island with a cheaper price.

4. The first time set foot on the island will be greeted by a cat
The inhabitants of the island of Gili Trawangan are very appreciative of living things, including cats. Therefore they are allowed to breed on this island, there is even a special clinic of this tiny four-legged animal. Here tourists can play with cats and feed, because here also sell a variety of cat food. Although they are allowed to breed, but this breeding is still controlled so that the numbers do not rise too sharply.

5. Formerly the island was a dumping place of inmates
The history of the island, before 1970, was the site of the exile of prisoners and rebels who fought against the rulers of the time. Because the island is not far from the city center and quite easy to access the ship.

6. No motorized vehicles
In Gili Trawangan there are only cidomo and bicycle, besides tourists can also walk, because on this island is not allowed motor vehicles are on the island. In addition to small islands motor vehicles will definitely cause air pollution. Tourists who visit it only takes a few hours to circumnavigate the island on foot.

7. Only two hours can circle the whole island
Gili Trawangan only has a length of 3 km and width of 2 km, no wonder if by walking for approximately two hours alone can surround and enjoy the entire island.

Surely you guys who read from the beginning are interested to visit Gili Trawangan island is it !!!
Exotic small island and free from air pollution !!!
Gili Trawangan kini menjadi salah satu tempat kunjungan bagi wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara, bukan karena alamnya saja yang membuat kaget namun ada beberapa fakta unik yang ada di pulau ini. Berikut beberapa fakta unik yang ada di Gili Trawangan.
Gili Trawangan now become one of the visit for local and foreign tourists, not because of its natural course that make surprised but there are some unique facts that exist in this island. Here are some unique facts that exist in Gili Trawangan.

1. Residents are mostly foreign tourists
Gili Trawangan is very famous for foreign tourists, so do not be surprised if many people outside Indonesia who visit this island. In Gili Trawangan the atmosphere is like the beaches in Hawaii with a cafe on the beach with the concept of international style.

2. Locals live in the middle of the island
Average land on the beach was established hotels, restaurants and cafes. Incidentally local penduudk live gathered in the middle of the island and buy their land on the beach sold to investors to build a place to hang out tourists.

3. Lodging on the beach is more expensive than in the middle of the island
Generally lodging on the beach the price is fairly expensive, there are prices up to tens of millions. But for a very minimal budget we can find lodging in the middle of the island with a cheaper price.

4. The first time set foot on the island will be greeted by a cat
The inhabitants of the island of Gili Trawangan are very appreciative of living things, including cats. Therefore they are allowed to breed on this island, there is even a special clinic of this tiny four-legged animal. Here tourists can play with cats and feed, because here also sell a variety of cat food. Although they are allowed to breed, but this breeding is still controlled so that the numbers do not rise too sharply.

5. Formerly the island was a dumping place of inmates
The history of the island, before 1970, was the site of the exile of prisoners and rebels who fought against the rulers of the time. Because the island is not far from the city center and quite easy to access the ship.

6. No motorized vehicles
In Gili Trawangan there are only cidomo and bicycle, besides tourists can also walk, because on this island is not allowed motor vehicles are on the island. In addition to small islands motor vehicles will definitely cause air pollution. Tourists who visit it only takes a few hours to circumnavigate the island on foot.

7. Only two hours can circle the whole island
Gili Trawangan only has a length of 3 km and width of 2 km, no wonder if by walking for approximately two hours alone can surround and enjoy the entire island.

Surely you guys who read from the beginning are interested to visit Gili Trawangan island is it !!!
Exotic small island and free from air pollution !!!
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[Cv. Albabianca Abadi]
Email: albabianca.abadi@gmail.com
Gili Trawangan kini menjadi salah satu tempat kunjungan bagi wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara, bukan karena alamnya saja yang membuat kaget namun ada beberapa fakta unik yang ada di pulau ini. Berikut beberapa fakta unik yang ada di Gili Trawangan.
1. Penghuninya sebagian besar turis asing
Gili Trawangan memang sangat terkenal untuk wisatawan mancanegara, jadi tidak heran bila banyak orang luar Indonesia yang mengunjungi pulau ini. Di Gili Trawangan suasananya pun seperti pantai-pantai di Hawai dengan cafe di pinggir-pinggir pantai dengan konsep ala-ala internasional.
2. Penduduk lokal tinggal di tengah pulau
Rata-rata tanah yang berada di pinggir pantai didirikan hotel, restoran dan cafe. Umumnya penduudk lokal tinggal berkumpul di tengah pulau dan membiarkan tanah mereka yang berada di pinggir pantai dijual kepada investor untuk dibangun tempat nongkrong wisatawan.
3. Penginapan di pinggir pantai harganya lebih mahal dari pada di tengah pulau
Umumnya penginapan di pinggir pantai harganya memang terbilang sangat mahal, ada yang harganya sampai puluhan juta. Tapi untuk budget yang sangat minim kita bisa mencari penginapann di tengah pulau dengan harga yang lebih murah.
4. Pertama kali menginjakkan kaki di pulau akan disambut kucing
Penghuni pulau Gili Trawangan sangat menghargai makhluk hidup, termasuk kucing. Maka dari itu mereka dibiarkan berkembang biak di pulau ini, bahkan ada klinik khusus hewan mungil yang berkaki empat ini. Di sini wisatawan dapat bermain dengan kucing dan memberi makan, karena di sini juga menjual berbagai makanan kucing. Meskipun mereka dibiarkan berkembang biak, namun perkembangbiakan ini tetap saja dikontrol agar jumlahnya tidak meningkat terlalu tajam.
5. Dulunya pulau ini tempat pembuangan narapidana
Sejarahnya pulau ini, sebelum tahun 1970 menjadi tempat pembuangan para narapidana dan pemberontak yang melawan penguasa masa itu. Sebab pulau ini tidak jauh dari pusat kota dan cukup mudah untuk diakses kapal.
6. Tidak ada kendaraan bermotor
Di Gili Trawangan hanya ada cidomo dan sepeda, selain itu wisatawan juga bisa jalan kaki, karena di pulau ini tidak diperbolehkan kendaraan bermotor berada di pulau. Selain pulaunya kecil kendaraan bermotor pasti akan menyebabkan polusi udara. Wisatawan yang berkunjung pun hanya membutuhkan beberapa jam untuk mengelilingi pulau ini dengan berjalan kaki.
7. Hanya dua jam bisa mengelilingi seluruh pulau
Gili Trawangan hanya memiliki panjang 3 km dan lebar 2 km, tak heran kan jika dengan berjalan kaki selama kurang lebih dua jam saja sudah bisa mengelilingi dan menikmati seluruh pulau.
Pasti kalian yang membaca dari awal tertarik untuk mengunjungi pulau Gili Trawangan ini kan !!!
Pulau kecil yang eksotis dan bebas dari polusi udara !!!
Untuk Indonesia (Investasi Bisnis / Aset Managemen / Pembukaan Rekening / Dukungan Imigrasi, dll) kami menerima berbagai konsultasi. Menghubungkan Jepang dan Indonesia, dukungan penuh dari perusahaan konsultan
[Cv. Albabianca Abadi]
email: albabianca.abadi@gmail.com
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