KLU Local Government Not Wrong about Garbage Problem in Gili Trawangan / Pemda KLU Tidak Mau Disalahkan Soal Sampah di Gili Trawangan / Cv. Albabianca Abadi
Gili Indah Village Party accused that the Local Government of North Lombok Regency has reneged on the promise, this is related to the operation of waste handling in Gili Trawangan which has been discussed previously. Initially the village has explained that it takes about Rp 105 million for waste management budget. However, the local government only able to realize the value of Rp 43 million, this is also complained by the Village Chief Gili Indah, H. Taufik.

The allegations of disobedience were denied by the Head of the Housing and Settlement Residential Service of KLU, I Ketut Masa. According to him, the budget has been agreed by all parties in the meeting. Pak I Ketut Masa said that the deal was actually in the meeting two days after the incident (OTT in Trawangan), but now it is changing again.
The villagers' concerns concerning the nominal operational budget are not appropriate, it hopes that the village and the manager in this case Forum Masyarakat Peduli Lingkungan (FMPL) to make maximum use of the existing budget. Especially the focus now, which is to resolve the rules related to waste handling in the Three Gili in the form Perbup.
So that in the future there is harmony and legal basis to solve the garbage problem there. But clearly, this March the local government will take over whether it will be on the third side, or it could be people who manage but can not be sure.
Local government also ensure if the issue of waste in Trawangan will not interfere with the convenience of tourists who come to visit. Because, after there Perbup then either the local government or village, and the third party will direct action.
For Indonesia (Business Investment / Asset Management / Account Opening / Immigration Support, etc) we receive various consultations. Linking Japan and Indonesia, full support from consulting firms.
Gili Indah Village Party accused that the Local Government of North Lombok Regency has reneged on the promise, this is related to the operation of waste handling in Gili Trawangan which has been discussed previously. Initially the village has explained that it takes about Rp 105 million for waste management budget. However, the local government only able to realize the value of Rp 43 million, this is also complained by the Village Chief Gili Indah, H. Taufik.

The allegations of disobedience were denied by the Head of the Housing and Settlement Residential Service of KLU, I Ketut Masa. According to him, the budget has been agreed by all parties in the meeting. Pak I Ketut Masa said that the deal was actually in the meeting two days after the incident (OTT in Trawangan), but now it is changing again.
The villagers' concerns concerning the nominal operational budget are not appropriate, it hopes that the village and the manager in this case Forum Masyarakat Peduli Lingkungan (FMPL) to make maximum use of the existing budget. Especially the focus now, which is to resolve the rules related to waste handling in the Three Gili in the form Perbup.
Local government also ensure if the issue of waste in Trawangan will not interfere with the convenience of tourists who come to visit. Because, after there Perbup then either the local government or village, and the third party will direct action.
For Indonesia (Business Investment / Asset Management / Account Opening / Immigration Support, etc) we receive various consultations. Linking Japan and Indonesia, full support from consulting firms.
[Cv. Albabianca Abadi]
Pihak Desa Gili Indah menuding bahwa Pemda Kabupaten Lombok Utara telah mengingkari janji, hal ini terkait operasional penanganan sampah di Gili Trawangan yang telah dibahas sebelumnya. Awalnya pihak desa telah memaparkan bahwa dibutuhkan sekitar Rp 105 juta untuk anggaran pengelolaan sampah. Hanya saja, Pemda cuma mampu merealisasikan senilai Rp 43 juta saja, hal ini pun dikeluhkan oleh Kepala Desa Gili Indah, H. Taufik.
Tuduhan ingkar janji itu dibantah mentah-mentah oleh Plt Kepala Dinas Perumahan Kawasan Pemukiman dan Lingkungan Hidup KLU, I Ketut Masa. Menurutnya, anggaran tersebut sudah disepakati semua pihak dalam rapat. Pak I Ketut Masa mengatakan bahwa sebenarnya kesepakatan itu sudah ada di dalam rapat dua hari setelah insiden (OTT di Trawangan) itu, tetapi sekarang berubah lagi.
Kekhawatiran pihak desa menyangkut nominal anggaran operasional yang tidak sesuai, pihaknya berharap supaya desa serta pengelola dalam hal ini Forum Masyarakat Peduli Lingkungan (FMPL) agar semaksimal mungkin memanfaatkan anggaran yang ada. Terlebih fokusnya saat ini, yaitu menyelesaikan aturan terkait penanganan sampah di Tiga Gili berupa Perbup.
Supaya ke depannya ada keselarasan dan dasar hukum guna menyelesaikan persoalan sampah disana. Namun yang jelas, bulan Maret ini Pemda yang akan mengambil alih entah nanti bakal dipihak ketigakan, atau bisa saja orang disana yang mengelola namun belum bisa pastikan.
Pemda pun memastikan jika persoalan sampah di Trawangan tidak akan menggangu kenyamanan wisatawan yang datang berkunjung. Pasalnya, setelah ada Perbup maka baik Pemda atau Desa, dan pihak ketiga bakal langsung action.
Kekhawatiran pihak desa menyangkut nominal anggaran operasional yang tidak sesuai, pihaknya berharap supaya desa serta pengelola dalam hal ini Forum Masyarakat Peduli Lingkungan (FMPL) agar semaksimal mungkin memanfaatkan anggaran yang ada. Terlebih fokusnya saat ini, yaitu menyelesaikan aturan terkait penanganan sampah di Tiga Gili berupa Perbup.
Pemda pun memastikan jika persoalan sampah di Trawangan tidak akan menggangu kenyamanan wisatawan yang datang berkunjung. Pasalnya, setelah ada Perbup maka baik Pemda atau Desa, dan pihak ketiga bakal langsung action.
Untuk Indonesia (Investasi Bisnis / Aset Managemen / Pembukaan Rekening / Dukungan Imigrasi, dll) kami menerima berbagai konsultasi. Menghubungkan Jepang dan Indonesia, dukungan penuh dari perusahaan konsultan
[Cv. Albabianca Abadi]
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